Hello [firstname],


FFDOA leadership participated in an FFDO stakeholder conference call last week.  FFDOA was represented by myself, Paul Nelson and Mike Karn.

We were joined on the call by the Director of the Federal Air Marshal Service, Micheal Ondocin.  Director Ondocin gave us an update on several initiatives with both the FAMS and FFDO programs, and took several questions from the group. 

Of course, many of our questions centered around the budget and my previously reported shortfalls for the FFDO program.  Director Ondocin confirmed that the program, like all of TSA, will be operating under a continuing resolution (CR) for the time being, but felt confident that FFDO would get the money needed to continue planned initiatives.  Although there was no firm commitment to initial training in FY22, he did indicate that their goal is to start once again training new FFDOs in Q2.  Although we still have work to do, this is welcome news.  

All the labor organizations represented on the call voiced our concerns and encouraged TSA, especially senior management, to support the FFDO program in a manner which the thousands of volunteer officers deserve. 

If you are on a waiver for not attending RTP, we encourage you to get it scheduled and completed ASAP!  The program was very clear that there will be no more extensions and if you do not complete your RTP event prior to December 2021, you will be separated from the program.

We discussed the ATL RTP facilities in detail and an eventual stand-alone building for FFDO training.  There are several factors which are in play right now, including the FAMS office space, but there is a plan in place to expand the footprint of FFDO RTP in ATL.  This would allow more participants to attend.  Also, the program spent time on site over the last few weeks and have contracted a new hotel for RTP training, the Westin, which should provide better rooms and more food options. 

The program informed us that due to ammo shortage (this is across the board for all federal agencies) they are suspending issuing practice ammo to FFDOs after requalification events.  This is a temporary measure and partially attributed to the weapons refresh and moving to the 9mm cartridge.

Speaking of weapons refresh, several hundred FFDOs have been issued the new platform.  The program is reminding FFDOs that you will be issued new magazines with the new weapon.  New magazines have a stiff spring which requires some use to "loosen up".  Many FFDOs are reporting their magazines are not functioning properly, but in almost every case it is just a new spring which is hard to manipulate and fully load.

The program is planning to start open houses again in Q3.

The “senior FFDO” program, which I have described in some detail on previous updates, is still on track to begin sometime in FY22.


Lastly, I would like to inform our membership that I was fortunate to meet directly with the TSA Administrator, David Pekoske, recently.  Although many issues were discussed, the FFDO program and our concerns with its proper support and growth were a significant portion of the conversation.  I am appreciative of his valuable time and the opportunity to champion the FFDO program in person with him and his staff.  I was impressed with the Administrator's sincere appreciation for those who serve our country as FFDOs and his acknowledgement of the vital layer of security that FFDOs provide.  I am encouraged by our meeting and subsequent follow-ups and look forward to a continued dialogue with Mr. Pekoske and his team. 


Bill Cason
